Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Beginning of my journey:

Hello everyone!                                                    
welcome to my blog! i createdthis blog to document my journey into raw food. I am starting the raw food rehab, 11 week program to "get the glow".  eating raw is a way of eating only food that that has not been cooked above 115 degrees, as to not destroy the enzymes or denature the food. and it working up to 100% raw vegan way of life.
I have MS and am hoping eating only healthy natural foods will help me keep my disease from progressing. and keeping me at optimal health. I have alove for cycling, and running and triathlon, and want be able to keep these up as long as possible.
so i will posting my progress with raw, how I am feeling during each day, posting videos, what I'm eating, and also natural Beauty changes and things that I find that help.
So if you would like to follow my journey or join me, I will be officially starting on July 1st, so I will getting everything situated, and a start up video going up here quickly.
so come along lets take in life, to gain life and live!